kitchen #2 : hashbrowns
I bought this Hash Browns Seasoned Potato Patties with extra 1 piece (ya la sgt extra) di salah satu kedai di Labuan. Bataras Sdn Bhd.. heheh:) n yg penting, mestilah halal dr Jakim (i told ya, ada dua bnd kt rumah i, u xkn jmp : first is makanan yg xda label halal dr Jakim, my mom will throw away with the rubbish klu xda halal jakim. the second one is sausage, xpernah ada kt rumah) hehe:) susah taw nk jmp Hash Browns yg halal Jakim. before ni klu rasa nak makan Hash Browns, pegi beli kt McD, tp tu pagi je kan, so kdg kitorg buat sendiri byk2 n then frozen kt freezer, bila2 nk makan ambil je laa. So, lucky us dpt yg betul2 halal... not pricey sbb made in Malaysia..kilang kt Seremban.. dlm rm6 cmtu.. kalau kt peninsular lebih banyak pilihan kot. tapi ni i bg review hash browns yg halal dr Jakim adalah produk Double Snack!! :)
oh ye, xla sedap mn pun.. boleh bg 3 out of 5 stars je kot sbb inner side tak crunchy n tebal mcm McD. tp still ok lah bg yg mengidam...heheh:)