sexy x?? hahahahaha:D |
This is a "try and error" recipe..
Ingredients :
- 1 cup of milk - I used fresh milk. Low-fat of course!
- 3-4 scoops Vanilla ice cream.
- 3 cubes of ice - do not put too much, nnt jd tawar.
- honey / sugar (optional)
- cinnamon powder / cocoa powder (optional)
Method :
- Blend the ice cubes, milk and sugar/honey very well sampai mcm fluffy lah and the ice cubes hancur.
- Masukkan Vanilla ice cream and blend them together for few seconds only.
- Serve dalam sundae glass or whatsoever and sprinkle the cocoa powder or cinnamon powder di atas ny...Siap utk dihidang..perghh!! sedap..lg2 klu bubuh chocolate parut..
want some?? |